yi zhou

All Projects This is not a Forest
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Overhead view, Artistic Rendering

Overhead view, Artistic Rendering

A grid of 18 conifer trunks, cast in heavy-set concrete piers, are placed in the waters of Bassin Louise, in old port Quebec City.

The installation is centered within the basin and framed by the wharf and the passerelle. Arranged in staggered rows spaced 5m to 7m apart on-center, towering at 15 to 20m tall above current water levels, the grove stands against the backdrop of Old Quebec and the city beyond. The materials reference the region’s role in North American land expansion - first as a port city in the 1600s and then in the 1800s as a hub for lumber.

Materiality also plays on the unique L’habitant identity of New France settlers, something that remains a point of pride for Quebecers to this day. The aesthetics of the installation references the phenomenon of “Ghost Forests” that have become a leading indicator for sea level rise along other North American coastal regions. This installation aims to tie Quebec’s cultural legacy to the abstraction of climate change elsewhere, using Quebec’s own vernacular materiality and aesthetics.

Plan layout and section

Plan layout and section

The stand of conifers trunks set against the passerelle, Artistic Rendering

The stand of conifers trunks set against the passerelle, Artistic Rendering

Year: 2021

Location: Quebec City, QC, Canada

Media: Installation (proposal)

Collaborators: Carlos Portillo, Cloë Cousineau

This is a landscape art proposal developed for the 2021 edition of Passage Insolites.

Flora Nebulae
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