yi zhou


Yi Zhou is a Chinese-born interdisciplinary artist based in San Francisco. She is interested in leveraging the intersection of architecture, ecology and new media to create memorable connections between people and place. Her design approach is driven by a strong conceptual foundation, tapping into deeply embedded ecological, historical, and cultural signifiers of place.


She aims to create unexpected moments of surrealism and intrigue, that sit at the balance between reality and the imaginary, to alter perceptions and incite discussions, and to create moments of play, surprise, and whimsy.

Her land art installation “Language of Plants” has toured locations throughout Toronto, and her work has been published in Ground Magazine, Designlines, and World Landscape Architecture Magazine.


She is currently an Associate Landscape Architect at Surfacedesign Inc. based in San Francisco. Previously she was a Landscape Architect at CCxA (Claude Cormier et Associés) in Montreal, Canada.




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